$100 for 3 pounds?


New member
Sep 24, 2004
Anyone here try the Panama coffee that Sweet Marias is currently seliing for $100 for 3 pounds? I guess it is the top 3 coffees from a recent best of that was held in Panama and the winning bid was around $50 a pound for the top rated bean.

Now, I love my coffee but will it really be worth it spending that much on 3 pounds? I can't imagine it being that different and that much better than the other Panama's I've tried.

Just curious to see how may home roasters on this board will actually spend that much.
Considering his cost is $75.00, $100 it's a very fair price. Consider a bottle of good wine can easily fetch that much, if I am a home roaster, I'd try it. But as a commercial roaster, I have to look elsewhere for my Panama.
I have no issues for what they are charging considering what they paid at the auction but I was really questioning whether or not the coffee is worth it from a taste standpoint. Is it really that much better than a standard single estate Pananma coffee? In other words, has anyone here ever tried a coffee this expensive (I believe last years's lot went for less but was still expensive).

If I was to spend that much for a pound of coffee, I would expect nothing but a euphoric state of mind after drinking it.

From my experiences, the most expensive coffee I've tried is a Blue Mountian coffee that was about $25 a pound and it was by no means the best coffee I've had. If anything, I would rate it as average. The $4.50 a pound Costa Rican beans I buy taste much better.
100$$$ !!!!!

I have had the pleasure of cupping a (very small) sample of these beans and have to admit that they are damn good however this is one of those things like Cuban cigars and Crystal...you are paying for the brand more than the product. Honestly its 100$..if you have it to spend give it a try and let your friends who can not afford it try it as well.
Best Of Panama

Okay, The coffee is very good. Is it $100 good? Subjective. I do like the Carmen Estate Rated # 3 - this stuff has been in the top 3 the last 4 years. Sweet Marias is out. I know of a roaster in Tampa Florida that buys COE and "Best of "and Q-Auction coffees. [removed by moderator]. They had a little Carmen left.

At The World Market they had some jamacian blue mountain coffee that was selling 8 ounces for $20. It was in a little burlap sack, made to look authentic.

Yeah there is a company in the US that produces those sacks. Maybe they think that you will believe there are 4 inch tall micro-Jamaicans that scale coffee trees picking cherries one by one like an ant colony.
I honestly think its a fair price. Some of the people with the best palates in the world cupped this coffee and for them to give it a 96 i believe, that is outrageous. I myself don't have the money for it, but i did get a half pound of the second place Bambito Estate. Roasted by Intelligentsia.
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