Your favorite books (reference, historical, etc.) on coffee?


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Jan 29, 2019
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Building my little library on the latest passion that began just a few months ago with the acquisition of my first single boiler machine. I was at one time a wine enthusiast but it's an expensive hobby and after discovering coffee actually find it much more intriguing and of course a less expensive pursuit.

Would like to hear from you all on what you consider to be some of the most essential reference works, historical accounts and just plain good reading when it comes to books. So far I have:

[h=1]Uncommon Grounds[/h]The Curious Barista's Guide to Coffee

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Uncommon Ground seems like an interesting read, haha! A murder mystery you say?!

It's ok, the author writes well but there is too much politics in it. It would be to enjoy something today without having political overtones in every conversation.