why is posting so scarce?

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Well I guess I'm just confused why that number is so low. With such traffic, why don't people post? I mean, my forum is just about to hit the 200 member mark and we have at least 30 posts a day, and up to 60 if we're busy.
I think Alun is right. I know that I personally check new posts and see if anything ineterests me with the time I have to visit the forum. A lot of the members on this site are running busy coffee businesses, with right now being the peak season for shops. (Damn, I knew I wanted to be open for a reason!)
Anne is right on all counts- certainly I myself have spurts of posting, when I have time. I am either busy roasting, busy visiting my growes, busy doing training, busy do more roasting...or if not busy putting some time in with my very, very patient family. I think you will find most coffee proffessionals love to share knowledge, but we are all pretty much bogged down in work a lot of the time.

Of all the members this forum has, and there are indeed a lot, it would be interesting to get from Demetri a breakdown of how posts per person. like for example 45% of forum membershave posted just once, 20% 1-10 times etc. I do know many people either join up to ask 1 or two questions, or we have some "members" who spam post.

Indeed I would think that with all the traffic coming in we should have more postings...it would be goo to see and create a more lively atmosphere. I always enjoy seeing the debates on robusta vs arabica (happen about 1 time every 6 months when a robusta exporter posts), drum vs. fluid bed roasting (about 1nce a year), and of course the "herbal coffee" posts! :grin:
I've enjoyed the forum and have learned a lot from it and it's members, who I applaud for keeping to the subject of coffee. Other forums tend to have members who ramble on, off topic. I've noticed that I am more guilty of that than anyone else here (sorry guys), and have since tried to tone it down a bit.
I think that one of the reasons that coffeeforums posts-to-member ratio is low is because it's members are warm and inviting and tend to do a lot of their posting through private messaging to each other. I've had (and have sent) ten times the amount of pm's than I've had responses to that were actually posted in the forum.
I wonder what the ratio of pm's-to-posts is. I bet it's like 10/1.
Does this forum keep track of how many times the "pm" button has been clicked versus the "new topic" and "post reply" buttons? This statistic, I think, might say a lot about it's members.
Just a thought.
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davidsbiscotti said:
Come back 3ternal, show us some more of your latte art. :D :D :D

:D I still take a peak around every once in a while, I'm working on getting some more picture up. I'll probably just buy 2 gallons of milk and practice when I have some time.
NW JAVA said:
I'a been busy trying to learn some HTML, SQL, and drining myself nuts. Just look at my mess.


Augh! it's a quagmire of love. I jaust hate to pay anyone for somting cheesy I can do.

It's certainly very, uh, yellow. Doesn't look like you've got much to learn about the coding though. Styled and laid out using CSS rather than tables. Good job.