What's Your Favorite Coffee Growing Region?


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Jan 1, 2013
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What's Your Favorite Coffee Growing Region

Africa (ex. Ethiopia, Kenya)
Central America (ex. Guatemala, Honduras)
Asia Pacific (ex. Sumatra, Papua New Guinea)
South America (ex. Brazil, Colombia)
Islands (ex. Jamaica, Haiti)
I love coffee in just about all regions but I have special love for original birth place of coffee..... Africa..... you can't really say one region is any better or superior then rest.....
Do you mean for coffee produced or to visit.
To visit - sumatra - try around Lake toba - incredible place. I also like the idea of Yemen or Ethiopia, as that is where it all began for coffee.
Lucky you - it is an aamzing place. I didnt even know (at the time of my visit) that it was once a supervolcano - 100km wide. We went to Tuktuk, Tonging and Parrassit from what I remember.