What makes a good cafe/coffeehouse?


New member
Jun 27, 2005
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So, I read the rules and they said that URL dropping is not OK, unless it is accompanied by quotes and discussion. So, I'm not going to drop one, but I'd like to initiate some discussion on what makes a good cafe/coffeehouse ... does anyone have tips on menu offerings, location, price, atmosphere ... I'm thinking about opening one and may use your suggestions ... and, if anyone would be interested in taking a survey about their preferences on coffeehouses, then please leave a comment and I'll send you the URL ...

Thanks, guys!

- OKCoffee :)
my ideal coffeehouse is like "Cheers" without beer. It's good to go to a place where you can meet people and have a good time. I don't particularly like an 'eat/drink and go' atmosphere.
Hulkster said:
my ideal coffeehouse is like "Cheers" without beer. It's good to go to a place where you can meet people and have a good time. I don't particularly like an 'eat/drink and go' atmosphere.

and in a terrific location, convenient, with high volumes of traffic, to support a very profitable drive through...
"and in a terrific location, convenient, with high volumes of traffic, to support a very profitable drive through..." I'll add, very well trained and well groomed staff in drink prep and customer service. And...and...and...great coffee 8) [/img]
I think that first you need an attractive visual appeal from the street. If you look shabby from the outside many people will not stop the first time.

Second the interior must be clean and attractive. You don't need anything very fancy but if it looks dull or dirty you won't succeed.

Third the staff must be well groomed, polite, efficient, and service oriented.

If you have those three you have enough to get people in the door to try your product and to keep them coming back, assuming you product is good.

Last, you need excellent product. I say last because if you don't have the first three you won't have to worry about selling much product. Of course if your product is no good you will have a lot of one time customers.
