What compliments a good shot?


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May 3, 2010
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I've seen some interesting combinations of food and espresso during my last year or so of research. Biscotti seems to be a favorite and some find a grilled nutella sandwich right for the occasion. What have you noticed?

I've seen a great deal of the above and, my favorite, a chocolate croissant with a cappuccino.
By a "good shot" do you mean straight espresso? If so, I think nothing compliments great espresso... most things alter/ruin the taste IMO. If I have a milk based drink (rare) or drip coffee I like to eat biscotti or a hot fruit turnover with it, but not much else. Later!
Pellegrino is a classy compliment to a shot of espresso. Otherwise the spoon next to the demitasse makes for nice presentation. If you want, you can look at your reflection in it.