What a difference some light makes!


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Jul 19, 2013
Tempe, AZ
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I have a Behmor roaster and have been experiencing some underroasting issues. Mainly, I was paranoid about hitting 2nd crack (as I like a medium roast) and could never tell what the true color of the beans were. I roasted yesterday and had a 90 lumen headlamp on hand to shed some natural light into the roaster... what a difference that makes!! Between the glow of the heating coils, the yellow'ish light that comes with the machine, and me being colorblind, I always had trouble telling exactly what the beans looked like. I know that I've read the light thing before but man was I missing out! I probably roasted my beans an extra minute from what I would have equivalently been doing.

Just wanted to share, I was roasting Ethiopian beans and am SUPER excited to taste them tomorrow!
Hi Cestrin,

Thanks for sharing your discovery.

It's always amazing how much better things turn out when you put a little light on the subject. I bet you're wishing you had tried it sooner.
