Well here it is..

I like your signature "Happiness can be found between 1st and 2nd crack".

Nice to see you have your website up.

Some thoughts:

- Home Page Links: Lots of exceptionally good information. Except, I often found myself being taken away from your website. An example is where you say, "There is so much involved in a simple cup of coffee. Read more about the roasting process by clicking here", it seems I am taken to another website, with no link back to yours. Thanks to the Back button in my browser, I found you again. I figure, if you have links that take your visitors away from your site, make them open in a new tab.

- Something nice to have is a logo in the header that links back to your home page. I like the hands/bean/sunrise logo, perhaps you could create a link with it?

- When I click on the Online Store tab, I expected to immediately see items for sale.

- Free Shipping is always a good promotional tool, so when you say, "Free Shipping on all orders over 5 pounds", does that mean 5 pounds alone would not get free shipping? I'd suggest "Free Shipping on all orders of 5 pounds or more".

- The coffee cherry tree background is a bit blurry, distracting, and is also the same color as the font below that reads, "Powered by WordPress and WordPress Theme created with Artisteer.", thereby making it illegible.

Anyway, great info on your site. I hope you can use something I pointed out. Not being negative, just my two cents. You've been a great asset to this forum, you know I love you maaaaaannn! :)
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Thanks for the feedback! Top quality input.

*Links off site.. I agree.. I think I was being 'burned out' on site design and halfsteped. I'll write more about it .. its better for the spiders too.

*Link to home on the header: I need to figure that out.. the theme builder I'm using doesnt seem to have that vital option.. ill dig deeper.. its gotta be here somewhere.

*Online store.. Noted!

*Free Shipping - Done

*Cherry Background - OK.. do you like the cherrys, or is it too much distraction even in focus? (it focuses at the bottom) .. because I can use a more-in-focus group, but from an ecommerce standpoint, it needs to be secondary to the content itself... and I want to find a way to get rid of that tag at teh bottom.

I like how the Our Coffee tab takes me right to where I wanna be, buying your coffee.

The cherries in the background just seem kind of bulky and distracting. Being a bit blurred seems to push the page too far forward, like in my face, blinding almost. Does that make sense? Shouldn't backgrounds be more neutral? Just my thoughts.

Keep up the good work... oh I learned a bit about favicons from viewing your source page, nice job on that. I will try to put that to work for my site as well and maybe this forum could use favicons too, like the little coffee cup in the center of the logo. :)
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I've done a lot of work to the aesthetics (no more cherries.. now we've got dark roasted beans) and functionality of the site.. especially the store.. still need to do a little bit more tweaking here and there.. but I think its coming along. http://www.gratefulroast.com

I will change the homepage still.. for some reason, I'm blanking on the homepage more than any other part of the site.. the most important part of the site and I'm close to blanking hahahaha

Also have a facebook page up