tired after coffee?? Any Solution??


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Feb 23, 2004
Everett, WA
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When you go up you usually come down twice as hard, I love the Coffee buzz and the perk, but soon it wears off and I feel toasted, thirsty, and more tired than I was before I drank it. I usually drink water, but does anyone know of a good thing to consume after morning or afternoon coffee to hydrate and replenish you body pretty well besides water.
I get a dry throat after drinking too much coffee as well.

These are the things I do to prevent or aleve it.

Eat something like a muffin or fruit with the coffee. Preferably something soft that will absorb some of the coffee.
Drink fruit / sport juice, they help me a bit with energy also.

Limit the amount of coffee I drink to an amount I can handle to avoid getting a dry mouth in the first place.
When you go up you usually come down twice as hard, I love the Coffee buzz and the perk, but soon it wears off and I feel toasted, thirsty, and more tired than I was before I drank it. I usually drink water, but does anyone know of a good thing to consume after morning or afternoon coffee to hydrate and replenish you body pretty well besides water.

Crappy coffees will do that do you.
so, keep drinking GOOD COFFEE. (I am just hoping that you will understand what GOOD COFFEE means). and do not let it wear off, then, you won't feel toasted, thirsty and you won't get tired. Just keep drinking......:decaf:
I propose we hire Mars as the coffeeforums.com archeologist, as he's very skilled in digging up old threads. :)

Alex... why would the caffeine in 'good' coffee behave any differently than the caffeine in 'crappy' coffee?
I propose we hire Mars as the coffeeforums.com archeologist, as he's very skilled in digging up old threads. :)

Alex... why would the caffeine in 'good' coffee behave any differently than the caffeine in 'crappy' coffee?

Peter, you are being too technical :+)
In my personal opinion, caffeine tastes better in GOOD coffee than crappy coffee. so I can "drink" more "caffeine".
To me, it makes sense and the good coffee caffeine behave very different than crappy ones. Coffee/caffeine is very personal, isn't it? ha ha ha
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Coffee actually activates the energy accumulated in the body, so each time when you drink coffee you spend this energy, and if you don't nourish it well you spend more energy than you produce, so ir is absolutely possible that with time to much coffee "makes you tired" :coffee: ))
Maybe you should cut back on coffee and try tea. Because honestly, if coffee is making you feel this way then the smart thing to do is cut it out of your routine for a bit and find a healthy alternative (tea, veggie juice, fruit juice) and see how it affects you for awhile.
I would like to add my 2 cents. I find that if I work-out after drinking coffee, I obviously get the extra energy from the coffee. No surprise there. But what I do get in addition to that is a much, much less crash afterwards when the caffeine wears off.

I don't know how to explain it, but if I drink a lot of coffee before work, and I dont actually work out that morning, I have a massive crash.

But if I drink my coffee and jump on the Eliptical machine for even 20 mins before work, then I feel super energetic the whole day.

Nothing has changed between those two scenarios other than the fact that I threw a quick workout in.

Maybe give that a try? It's probably easier and more convenient than letting loose a brood of leeches on your body as MikeLoeven said :)