The Perfect Espresso Coffee


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Jun 7, 2011
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An espresso coffee must be served in a small sized hot cup, must not be allowed to cool and must be drunk immediately. If not, the cream breaks and the aroma is lost.

A perfect espresso coffee can be best obtained through
Lever Espresso Coffee Machine Marcfi A93P

Picture 1: Perfect Espresso.
• Cream with a hazelnut reddish colour, compact and permanent.
• Round body, taste and fragrance stable, persistent.

Picture 2: Espresso little extracted.
• Very clear cream, presence of bubbles and little persistence.
• Without body, neither fragrance, aqueous.

Picture 3: Espresso very extracted.
• Dark brown cream, clear spot, little thickness, central orifice.
• Strong flavour, bitter, little fragrance.

So you have a clear idea how a perfect espresso coffee looks like !
Remember looks aren't everything. Taste trumps everything.

Can't agree with your statement regarding the best machine to use for "perfect" espresso. Great espresso can be achieved with any machine that offers consistent brew temperature/pressure. Too many variables to claim the machine is the most important link in the chain!
If you have to apply a pressure of 8 to 9 bars, that is more than 200 pounds, how are you going to do it ? by hand ?

9 bars is approximately 132psi, meaning the water pump or a piston in the case of lever machines applies that pressure to the puck. 8-9 bars isn't much to achieve by hand when you're pulling a 12-16" lever downward. I find lower pressure than what is recommended via Italian tradition yields better results anyway. Italians may have invented espresso, but they surely didn't perfect it by any means.