The must have coffee app for coffee drinkers!


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Feb 20, 2014
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A few days a go I was searching around the app store and I found this very nice and simple app called "The Coffee Clock".
It looked really nice and great and the price was low, only $0.99 so I thought, why not?
The app says how much caffeine I have in my body, if I am drinking too much, when I took my last coffee and recommends me when to take my next.
I gotta say, at first I thought it was just: "Well, this is okey, nothing much, a good and useful app", but now that I am using this app daily, I feel much more aware. I used to drink too much and the app notified me and now I am following its recommendations and I feel much better.
I don't drink too much, I am aware how much caffeine I have in me and I really love it. It helped me so much. It might not help you as much as it did for me but overall I think it's a great app and everyone who drinks coffee must have it!
It's only out for App Store though, but if you have an iDevice, search the app store for "The Coffee Clock" and there you have a blessing right in front of your eyes.

If you are already using this app or have any questions, feel free to post.
I just wanted to share this awesome app with you guys!
I think most of us here are not really worried about how much coffee we are drinking. Because we have common sense. You mentioned you feel much better since you are not taking as much caffeine. So is that mean you were feeling bad because of the caffeine intake before this app?
Doesn't make any sense to me....
Hello Martin,

Welcome to the Coffee Forums.

Thanks for sharing the app that you discovered.

It's good that you've become aware of how much caffeine you're consuming as the day goes by. It sounds like the app is helping you regulate how much and helps you spread it out throughout the day.

I found it interesting that it tells you when it's time to have some more coffee. Is it helping you keep from having high's and low's as the day goes by?
