Suggestions Please

Great looking blog and videos. I've been doing blogs in many different niches for a while now and I was looking for things to critique, but I'd say you're off to a good start. I added it to my google reader to keep track of your updates.
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Thanks for your gracious comments Mike! This is my first blog, and while I already loved coffee, I'm learning so much more than I already did! Any suggestions on monetizing? I have some affilaite stuff and google adsense going on, but is there something else to look into?
I think you're definitely starting the monetization right. It's definitely a slow process, then it'll start increasing rapidly.

The only thing that I would do is have more text talking about or "selling" the affiliate products. I'm the kind of guy who does a really soft, sell - nice and friendly like I'm talking to my friends. That's what seems to work for me.