Subscription Management Software?


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Feb 11, 2015
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I did a site search for this topic and didn't come across anything.

For those of you who run weekly / monthly subscription plans for your customers, what are you using?

~ Ryan
Not sure if this is what you're asking, but I offer a 6, and 12 month subscription for roasted coffee. It's listed on my website's homepage, and also under 'specials'. It offers the customer one lb. per month, but they can select "2" for the qty. and double it. Then I set a reminder in google calendar to help me remember to roast and ship to the subscribers.
Not sure if this is what you're asking, but I offer a 6, and 12 month subscription for roasted coffee. It's listed on my website's homepage, and also under 'specials'. It offers the customer one lb. per month, but they can select "2" for the qty. and double it. Then I set a reminder in google calendar to help me remember to roast and ship to the subscribers.

Google Calendar ... yes, I had another friend in the industry suggest the very same. That's what I'm looking for ... something to automate the reminders for me to make sure I have all the names and addresses of the subscribers on the day I need it. So do you send out the subscription coffee on the same day every month, and then not worry about subscriptions until that same day comes around each month?
Yes, unless the customer specifies otherwise, it's always shipped on the first of the month, give or take a day depending on where the first falls. I like to ship the same day it's roasted, so say the 1st is a Saturday or Sunday, I'll ship on Friday or Monday.

Also, speaking of google, I use their 'sheets' to log sales, so that I can watch what the subscribers have had, and them send them something new to avoid repeats and give them some variety.
Yes, unless the customer specifies otherwise, it's always shipped on the first of the month, give or take a day depending on where the first falls. I like to ship the same day it's roasted, so say the 1st is a Saturday or Sunday, I'll ship on Friday or Monday.

Also, speaking of google, I use their 'sheets' to log sales, so that I can watch what the subscribers have had, and them send them something new to avoid repeats and give them some variety.

Good tips. Thanks, Peter.

Have you thought about weekly subscriptions, or would that be too much to handle?
Good tips. Thanks, Peter.

Have you thought about weekly subscriptions, or would that be too much to handle?

It wouldn't be too much to handle, but honestly, I never thought about weekly. My first thought, tho' is that I'd be sending a lb. and don't know how many people would want a lb. a week. I mean, I drink a lb. a week, and no doubt I'm not the only person in the world doing so, but I'd have to factor in some of the shipping costs into the subscription price, and if I was the buyer I'd balk at the expense. I might think of a twice-per-month subscription, now that you have me thinking along these lines.
We use CSAware, which works great. It's a bit pricey (2% of sales, minimum $100 per month), but it has everything you need.
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