Starting New Coffee Shop - I REALLY need advice


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Aug 14, 2013
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Dear Coffee lovers,

Hello. I've bought this old hotel that has a bar/restaurant etc... and I'm looking at turning the bar into a coffee shop.
Whilst all this is going on, I'm taking training to be a Barista.

However, I have some questions:

a) Does it make a difference (in terms of quality of coffee drink) if I buy a good professional automatic machine, compared to large manual coffee machine?
b) How should I start? I have no idea how many customers I'll have - I think summer time there's a lot (say 50 people/day) - which machine do you think I should get?

I'm seriously thinking of the Melitta Barista - it has a limit of 20 cups a day, but I think that should be OK. If you all think its a good machine, then I could buy 2 of them if the coffee shop takes off?


I really need some advice.

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I just wish to say that the people who come want a good cup of coffee. We are in the mountains, in the middle of nowhere - so I doubt that they'll be coffee experts. Secondly, being a hotel also, you have to bear in mind that I won't have time to dish up a professional world cup champion style coffee for each customer.. i have other things to take care of in parallel like changing beds.
