Starting a café


New member
Dec 10, 2005
Arequipa - Peru
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Because I like coffee so much (and also because I want to quit my present job!) I really would like to start a café, but I don't know much about the bussiness, so ideas and advise are really appreciated![/b]
You should consider buying a coffee maker that uses liquid coffee extract. I know that some folks will shudder at the thought and believe the old fashioned method is the best method, but if you haven't had a cup of coffee made from one of these machines, you are missing a treat.

If you are unfamiliar with this type of coffee maker, then do a google using: liquid coffee

Now, I will sit back and wait on the criticism for suggesting a liquid coffee maker. But I suspect it will be from coffee drinkers that have never experienced this delicious method.

Good luck, Jim
You didn't have to wait long...

I have experienced both freshly roasted coffee as well as a number of liquid coffee's, concentrates and extracts.

My strong preference is fresh roasted coffee!
I really would like to start a café, but I don't know much about the bussiness, so ideas and advise are really appreciated! - gmartinez

So, I'd like to know the answer to this one as well. Is there really good money in starting your own coffee shop? Or should I just tough it out at my current job for the next 30 years?
it depends on what you want to do with your life, if you want to work long hours and take on the risk but love what you do then you should go for it. If you want to play it safe then keep the job you have now.
what is it? Liquid coffee? A coffee extract?

All I can think of the old thick coffee from the vending machines in hospitals.

I will check it just to see.

Also, how would know if a place was selling this?