Something I decided to try


New member
May 16, 2014
Gainesville, Florida
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So, I've been working a huge amount recently, because of 3 people quitting at work, but I'm back now. That's not relevant though. I recently had a friend give me espresso beans because he didn't realize it was espresso when he bought it. I don't have any machine to brew the espresso, so I decided to grind it up and use my french press. Obviously I don't know everything about coffee, so I didn't know exactly how well it would work, but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway. It turned out to taste almost like the espresso from my work, but it had a really strong coffee flavor that I liked. I don't know if it's just the espresso or if it's the french press, but it doesn't quite taste like pure espresso. I'm going to assume it's safe to say that it's like a cup of coffee with an extremely high level of caffeine. Obviously it's not cost effective to keep making it this way, but I don't have a machine to make it, so I'll have to deal.
Hello! Some neat things that I learned as soon as I started delving into coffee. Espresso is not a bean or even a roast, its a drink made from and espresso machine. So that being said, your beans may have been roasted specifically to be used in such a machine but that doesn't make it espresso. Its only espresso when you make it in a espresso machine. Crazy right? So you just made a french press of some beans that someone thought would be good for espresso. Also, another common misconception, a darker roast normally used for espresso has LESS caffeine that a light roast. Also crazy huh. Anyways, any roast of coffee can be good brewed any way, if you enjoy it. Certain roasts will be better for specific brewing methods of course. Anyways hope that helps. Try buying a Mokka pot from Target or online it makes espresso-like coffee. Nowhere really near a good espresso but nice and thick and strong. Have a splendid day!