Smoke and a pancake?


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Dec 2, 2005
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Who smokes while eating? I know resturants had smoking areas,but i dont think i have ever seen someone smoke while eating.

well if ever i'm having a huge feast...sometimes i need to take smoke breaks in between...but yes I don't nor have i ever seen someone with a cigarette in the one hand and a fork in the other...that is pretty gross! what if you ash in your food?! :oops:
I used to smoke about a pack a day, I have since quit, and while a cigarette when waiting for the food was a necessity and a smoke immediately after eating was great, never would I smoke during the meal. None of my smoking friends would do it either.

I just don't see how you could enjoy your food if you were smoking at the same time. Your tastebuds would be all messed up. As though they wouldn't be already from the rest of the days smokes I suppose.

Mia and Vincent smoke while the are eating at Jack Rabbit Slims but I don't think I have ever seen people do that in person.

Only if I am already drunk.

I smoke tons and used to be a tobacco importer and think all the griping about cig. ordinances is silly. Even before they went in to place in Austin I would not smoke around people who were eating. Its just rude.
I never smoke in the middle of a meal or anything, but if I'm sitting in a restaurant with chips and salsa and I'm snacking on that while waiting on my food, I will not think twice about having a cigarette.
Of course, I hear talk about that causing stomach cancer... same as smoking while chewing gum is rumored to cause gum cancer. I'm no health expert... just an addict!