Small, small, small Texas town Coffee Shop Dreams


New member
Aug 2, 2019
small town Texas
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Good Evening and THANK YOU for having me!! I am new here and have spent some time going through past posts/threads but I am not quite finding what I am looking for. I am hoping one of you can help. I live in a super small town in Texas but have recently acquired a small space on Main Street (built in 1927) and would LOVE to open a coffee shop. I have been trying to find all my answers online but it looks like I will call the local DSHS department on Monday and perhaps get as much information as possible. My town probably has less than 500 people in the actual town but in the community probably around 1,200+. This small building has only one entrance/exit. It only has a super small seating area where probably 6-10 could gather, and room enough for ordering, preparing, and serving coffees. I am interested in learning if any of you own or have experience in small small small town coffee shops that could help me with options for starting small to test the market. The closest Starbucks or any coffee shop is 30-40 miles away. I am less than a miles from a school....PreK-12th that is 2A (for those Texas folks who know how big (or rather small) that is). If you have time and/or experience with such a small scale that is needed. There is not even a cafe that will serve coffee past 10:00am in my town. I am hoping to by-pass the LARGE three sink and hope to have one (kitchen type) sink with two other tubs (fresh clean water rinsing and the other disinfecting). There just is not the space for it.

I GREATLY appreciate your time, thoughts, comments, suggestions, support. Please be gentle as I am VERY excited (a little jacked up on and scared!!

Blessings and many thanks, Patricia