Roasting Apprentice


New member
Oct 25, 2006
I opened my coffee bar a year ago, which is doing really well, and I am desiring to learn the art of roasting.

I would like to be in the Philadelphia area and was wondering if anyone knew of roasters that would take on an apprentice. Or maybe a better question would be how I go about this? I just assumed that being an apprentice would be the first step in the learning process.

I would love any feedback!
no offense..but I can not think of anyone who would teach someone that is not going to stay...well teach for free that is. I have been looking for an apprentice for months with no luck. You could always go star wars on us and talk to fresh roaster and his "laser" that way you do not have to learn the art of roasting :wink:
I was not intending to learn for free, sorry for the confusion. Several people I spoke with mentioned 'roasting apprentice' and I was just beginning my research to find out what that was or what I need to do.
Hey Meemz, you have to understand Tophers point here. When we (roasters) are looking for an apprentice, it is someone who will be learning the art of roasting...and then staying on with us. I think it would be really rare, if not an impossibility, that a quality, experienced roaster will teach someone who is wanting to learn the ropes then go off and start their own business. I too, like Topher, have been searching for an apprentice since, well, January. To date no luck.

I do think if you buy a roasting machine in the US from Diedrich or Ambex, they will at least give you a series of lessons on roasting. I dont think there is a "roasters school" though. Good luck,
Hehe...HUMANS are Obsolete! Total automation is mandatory.......apprentice? hehe I taught my Gf to roast and she only gets to roast one single origin for one or two accounts......And it's not like she could ever start a roasting business; in the event we broke up. and besides that I have developed trust, and trying to trust anyone with my craft is kinda scary. Honest.
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