Roasters: Who's on Twitter?


New member
Feb 11, 2015
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Mods ... I thought it would be nice to do a bit of Twitter reciprocity -- especially amongst the professional roasteries among us. Would this be okay? I'd like to follow some of the fine folks here via that platform, and maybe the feeling would be mutual.
I think this is a great idea! Follow us on Twitter @MuddyDogCoffee. Anyone else think this is a good idea?
Calling PinkRose and any other moderators! :coffee:

If this is okay, I'd really like to do this. Thanks!
I'm interested in monetizing the time I spend on Twitter and Facebook. I spent a lot of time on both in the past and didn't really see that it did me 1 euro bit of good. I got some feel good tweets and Fb replies and while that was nice I wondered if I couldn't better spend my time elsewhere.

(Don't get me wrong, if I have a retail outlet I can see a regular tweet or Fb post about today's special, etc., but as a roaster with a fairly static product line sold through retail outlets T & Fb didn't do anything for me except use up time and stress me because I was always thinking I should post or tweet. One thing that did give a good return was a simple thank you note or invitation to join our coffee club placed inside the bag of coffee. That bit of guerrilla marketing has been well worth the effort.)

The marketing stuff I read does not forecast well for either the T or Fb platform.

I've shut down my account on both T and Fb but will soon give Instagram a go. Previously I was 'pushing' out my contact efforts but now I am going to try and 'pull' the folks in. They post their pics of themselves using Red Rooster Coffee and every two weeks or a month we give away prizes for doing so. That may have the same results as my T & Fb experiences but we'll give it a go.

Below are some Twitter statistics from this blog: Twitter | Search Results | The Malcolm Auld Blog

Here are the Top 100 Twitter account categories by number of followers:

  • Musicians/celebrities – 50
  • TV and movie actors/hosts – 15
  • Sportsmen and sports clubs – 10
  • Internet brands (Twitter, You Tube, etc) – 8
  • TV Channels – 6
  • Vacuous celebrities – 5
  • Politicians – 2
  • Bill Gates, the NY Times, the Dalai Lama and an Islamic Leader – 1 each
There are no consumer brands in the top 200 Twitter accounts. Check the list here.
There are more inactive accounts than active:

  • Total monthly active accounts – that is, the user accesses their account just once per month – 288 million
  • Total number of accounts with no followers – 391 million
  • 5 countries account for 50% of tweets – USA, Japan, Indonesia, UK and Brazil
  • Number of fake Twitter accounts – 20 million
  • Percentage of internet users that don’t use Twitter – 90.4%
  • Average number of followers per account – 208. But given the Top 200 accounts each have more than 7 million followers and around 391 million accounts have none, what does 208 even mean?
Fine by me. I personally do not use Twitter anymore but love seeing pictures of roasters and coffee on instagram. Hit me up topherroaster .
Good thoughts, Expat. I actually HATE Twitter, but it seems to be an almost necessary evil (for the time being).

Anyway, I'm just getting started with it for my business. I'm @IroncladCoffee.
Oh, and here's our Facebook page: Ironclad Coffee Roasters

Hoping to have the roaster fired up and coffee flying out of our doors by some time in October.
Shifted from twitter to instagram once i realised the coffee posting community was as big as what it is, will follow you on my old account though
Good idea. As annoying as social media can be, it is necessary for business these days. I am on Twitter and Instagram @BPMRoasters. Theres nothing on there yet, but soon enough there will be.
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