Regular Decaf or SWP??


Sep 29, 2005
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I'm a new shop and trying to make sales and I never thought so many would want Decaf coffee.

For me I always think "why"?

Heard that SWP has a watery taste to it? I don't know since I drink the real thing.

Any comments?


Joe Frabosilio
Java Nights
I never gave decaf a moment of consideration until I got into this business. But I realize that some of my customers cannot ingest caffeine for medical reasons. So, they turn to whatever the finest decaf is they can pay mighty joe dahrahs to buy.

With that, I have worked to put out the best decaf I can. Most of what I sell is the decaf version of our house blend. I use an SWM Brazilian bean in that and it tastes fine to me. Not sure how it would compare against the CO2 version, but that is what was recommended when it came time to buy decaf. I haven't had any complaints - most of the decaf drinkers I sell to are long-time regular customers.

JavaNights said:
I'm a new shop and trying to make sales and I never thought so many would want Decaf coffee...

Heard that SWP has a watery...


I enjoyed the Mexican water processed decafs from Sweetmarias. Their Nicaraguan Matagalpan is the best decaf I have ever had. I am not a decaf fan but enjoy this one.

I am not sure who handles these (other than SM) from this process that would work at a retail pricing structure. The company's name that processes them like this is Sanroke. ... _n15139644

Good luck in your ventures,
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Thanks, I broke down and order 50 lbs of Columbian Decaf on Friday.

On the next order I'll remember to add a bag of Decaf to the pallet.

Lets see what happens.

Joe Frabosilio
Java Nigths
BoldJava said:
JavaNights said:
I'm a new shop and trying to make sales and I never thought so many would want Decaf coffee...

Heard that SWP has a watery...


I enjoyed the Mexican water processed decafs from Sweetmarias. Their Nicaraguan Matagalpan is the best decaf I have ever had. I am not a decaf fan but enjoy this one.

I am not sure who handles these (other than SM) from this process that would work at a retail pricing structure. The company's name that processes them like this is Sanroke. ... _n15139644

Good luck in your ventures,

Mexican water processed decafs can be purchased at Royal or Royal NY, they call theirs Royal Select Water Decaf.
JavaNights said:
Heard that SWP has a watery taste to it? I don't know since I drink the real thing.

One quick suggestion! Cup all of your coffees! Learn about them as much as you can, and then blow away your customers with your knowledge of the coffe you are serving them.

We are currently roasting SWP but may be leaning towards the Mountain for our next shipment.

Good luck to you!