Ratebean - review cafés serving specialty coffee


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Apr 2, 2015
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Hi all!

I just launched a new website called Ratebean and I'd love to hear what you think about it! Basically it's a website for rating and reviewing cafés, but we only list cafés serving specialty coffee. No specialty coffee, no listing. I've got Gothenburg (Sweden) covered, and I hope to add some more cities in the near future.

Tell me what you think about it! Is there any function you're missing?

You'll find the website on: Ratebean - Brings Good Coffee to the People
# of ratings should be shown, and there should be a minimum number of ratings in order to have a rating score. A single rating of 5 is worthless. Ten ratings of 4 is much better, it shows a consensus of quality, while 1 rating is just that, one rating. Same with a 1 star rating.

Also WHO is rating and what are their credentials? Is it simply a fan/customer based rating system--which is every system out there, or is is a professional rating system, like Michelin or the like? What are the criteria?
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# of ratings should be shown, and there should be a minimum number of ratings in order to have a rating score. A single rating of 5 is worthless. Ten ratings of 4 is much better, it shows a consensus of quality, while 1 rating is just that, one rating. Same with a 1 star rating.

Also WHO is rating and what are their credentials? Is it simply a fan/customer based rating system--which is every system out there, or is is a professional rating system, like Michelin or the like? What are the criteria?

I've thought about adding # of ratings, but as the ratings are so few in the beginning I wanted to wait a bit ,maybe better to be "honest" and add them straight away? The rating system is fan-based.
Maybe better to start somewhere, than not at all(?). This post didn't give me much help atm, but thanks for checking out the site!

Yes, you are absolutely right. better to start somewhere than not all. also, sorry for not providing some inputs for your questions before.
so, I am giving you some of my thoughts. hopefully it would help.

Da Matteo
I went to this shop via your web.
1. when you say 5.0, is it 5 out of 5? that means the best?
2. if it is best (5 rating), what it is based on? the coffee? location? ambiance? pricing...etc
3. you said that these coffee shops are specialty coffee shops. then, wouldn't it be better to list what kind of specialty coffees they are selling?
4. probably better to list the address, phone # and website and opening/closing hours of this shop, rather than just google map.
5. better to write something "special" about this shop. is it super good coffee? if so, what are the best coffees they serve? and what are the price ranges? and write some unique characteristics about the shop.
6. you said that the rating is "fan based". then, wouldn't it be better to write the "reviews" from the fans?

there are tons more, but I do not want to write them all....
by the way, it seems like your website is "coffee shop" version of TripAdvisor.com I believe that you will get some good ideas if you look thru tripadvisor.com combined with some famous specialty coffee shop/roasters websites (so that you can list more detailed information about the SPECIALTY COFFEE that you are rating on).

if you have any specific questions, please let me know via PM or this posting.
glad to help.
PS: my name is Alex