Please read before you post items for sale.


Active member
Aug 11, 2004
Des Moines, Iowa
Visit site
If you are trying to sell your product please post it in the Business to Business B2B. Even though your item may be related to this category the proper place for it is in the B2B.
Hello "mdmimports"

First ......Welcome to the Coffee Forums!

Next....please read the Forum Rules, especially #6.


Then go into your forum profile and remove the website URL from your signature line.

To answer your question..... B2B stands for Business to Business. If you go to the main index page and scroll down, you will see the Business to Business B2B section.

You responded to a a very old post. The forum setup has changed recently so.....

Please refer to Rule #8

8. If you are selling business related products to other business or trying to sell equipment of any type please post that material in the Business to Business area (B2B).

If you have coupons, deals, links to special items on sale for our individual members please post in the Deals and Specials area.

Both of these forums have now been moved and can be found in the Community Board category at the bottom of the main forum.
