One-way valve Airtight Storage Containers


New member
Nov 2, 2018
Hey everybody

Does anyone know an online source for purchasing food-safe storage containers/pales which are airtight with one way valves for roasted coffee?

I have seen a few roasters using these but I don't know if they have modified classic food-safe pales and just done an incredibly professional job with them!

Cheers all!
One way is to make them yourself. Just use a mason jar and glue the one way valve from your old bags to the lid with a small hole. A lot cheaper than buying the Airspace canister..
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Thanks for that but I was meaning for commercial scale, 5 -10kg ideally. I should've been more specific, my bad!
Why so large? A large bin with a one way valve is still going to retain a lot of air and degrade the coffee in long term storage. If just during the degassing stage, you really should be bagging the coffee with nitrogen in pouches with one way valves after about 2-3 days anyhow.
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