New from OC California


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Apr 12, 2011
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I've always been a coffee drinker and like most enjoyed the esspresso boom placing a coffee shop on every other corner. I moved to OC a few years back and a co-worker turned me on to a great coffee house called "KEAN" in Newport Beach owned by Martin Diedrich. This shop is amazing as I can actually enjoy a plain esspresso shot without making a OMG face. As much as I lvoe Kean and their drinks the cost is pretty high if you get 2 per day.

My goal is to find a pretty good esspresso machine and grinder. Now I know i'm not going to get the same quality using home equipment, but hopefully I can find something good enough to cut back on the few thousand I spend a year buying from others.
What is your budget?
You like straight espresso? Don't want to spend a bundle? Best device is the Mypressi Twist for $150. That should leave enough for a quality grinder which is a critical component - more important than the machine that makes the espresso. AFtrer that, the sky's the limit. Therea re plenty of folks who havwe over $3500 invested in just the grinder and teh espresso machine.. and yes, it makes a difference in a lot of ways. Plenty of choices though between the extremes.
Hello LGHT,

Welcome to the Coffee Forum website. You'll find lots of useful and often entertaining information here.

I'm curious...when you wrote "Hopefully I can find something good enough to cut back on the few thousand I spend a year buying from others", Do you actually spend that much buying coffee throughout the year?

When go on vacation, I take my MyPressi Twist and my Porlex hand grinder with me. I have to show the grinder to TSA (long, cylindrical metal), but the Twist and it's CO2 cartridges have NEVER raised an eyebrow at the airports. I get great shots from it, considering its limitations. :)

Porlex @ Orphanespresso
Hello from So. OC.... you're welcome to send me a personal email via this forum. I built an espresso bar at my place with a small roaster, and would be fine showing you the ropes. BTW, I know Martin and his stores; a good example of how it's supposed to be done. Prices on gear have gone up in the last few years, but it's still possible to set yourself up at home with excellent coffee for a livable price. Budget is the key. If you want to share that, I can point you in "a few" directions. Best, Al
............Don't want to spend a bundle? Best device is the Mypressi Twist for $150. That should leave enough for a quality grinder which is a critical component........

Randy, I went to the website for Mypressi and was really impressed! I'm afraid to say that this little device may actually be as effective in producing good extractions as that Silvia in the video by "dirtycup" in the Mypressi website. I'd love to try one out brewing my Malabar Gold.
You dug up an old post from 2011. Most of those members haven't visited the Forum since then.

You may want to do a Google search to see if there are any reviews on the Mypressi.

Yes, I searched "Mypressi Twist" and found an ongoing thread instead of starting a new one.

Google. Yes I can certainly do that rather than seeking out some interaction here.
It may take some time and patience, and you'll probably eventually get some interaction within this thread. It's always possble that other members of this Forum have a Mypressi Twist, and they'll give you the scoop on how they like it.
Welcome LGHT,

I'm a newbie too...and a lifelong coffee drinker too. Started buying & grinding whole bean coffee back in the 70's and am pretty much addicted to the stuff. I always wonder if I should disclose the amount of coffee I consume whenever I donate blood...not sure if there are any legal/ethical issues I should consider :decaf: (lol..that's a joke btw). Also, welcome to the OC! I love the NB Kean, but the Tustin location is closer to home. If you don't mind the suggestion, a couple more places to check out are: Michael Sheldrake's 'Polly's Gourmet Coffee' on 2nd Street (north end of the main drag) in the Belmont Shore area of Long Beach...this is my mecca...Michael has been roasting coffee (and since the 70's and has a vintage 1929 Probat roaster on site, he is pretty well known in the SCAA circles; and Portola Coffee Lab in Costa Mesa near Harbor Blvd / 405 Fwy in the "The Mix" on Hyland Ave.

Good luck with your search for grinder and espresso machine!
