New Cupping App that Fits to how YOU want to evaluate coffee


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May 12, 2016
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Artisan Coffee Group LTD (aka: Marty Curtis & Team), just released a new cupping app, OpenCup on Apple app store.

It's different than any previous or current solutions out there. Google "OpenCup Coffee"

A self-contained, full-featured solution, managing the life-cycle of coffee evaluation. Simple & intuitive to use.
Runs on Apple iPad with iPhone version soon. Android is being evaluated.

Eliminates having to manage paper forms, spreadsheets, other programs and disconnected silos of information. Cupping ready forms that meet different evaluative needs.

Create your own digital cupping forms, attributes and lexicon in minutes, meeting your cupping needs without programming. Create from scratch, or copy and modify existing forms.

Cup anywhere in the world and Collaborate with other OpenCup users.

Interact with data, identify trends, enrich post evaluation discussions and the decisions that result from those insights. Compare, contrast & audit cupping results. Produce comprehensive reports.

A networking solution that works over Bluetooth and/or a local Wi-Fi connection. (Internet Optional)

Happy to address any questions

Bob Sanders

Bear with me.... for those who don't know who Marty Curtis is, you probably haven't been paying attention for the past 25 years or so. And with that, everyone should overlook the obvious post and pimp the merchandise going on here.

I have not used Marty's new cupping app, and I just took the time to read about it a few minutes before this.

But if it's coffee related, and Marty Curtis is involved, I'd take a serious look at it.

Solid guy. Knows his sh!t. Always seems to be helping people to make better coffee. That is all.
Acia scales do the same the AND bluetooth to their scales. Additionally you can take pictures along with share your pour graph. The Acia app works awesome and is available on iPhone and Droid. Check it out pretty cool.
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Acia scales do the same the AND bluetooth to their scales. Additionally you can take pictures along with share your pour graph. The Acia app works awesome and is available on iPhone and Droid. Check it out pretty cool.

Hey Slurp, how do you know John Sanders?

I looked at the Acaia Scales app and it looks good for their market. Ours is entirely different, as it applies to producers, importers, exporters, brokers, roasters, cafes, cupping instructors, commodity traders, cupping educators, professional cupping events.

Bob Sanders
Hey Slurp, how do you know John Sanders?

I looked at the Acaia Scales app and it looks good for their market. Ours is entirely different, as it applies to producers, importers, exporters, brokers, roasters, cafes, cupping instructors, commodity traders, cupping educators, professional cupping events.

Bob Sanders

Your's might be the better app, but if it's not available on Android, I can't use it. Please let us know if/when Android app is available.