New Account Inquiry


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Top Poster Of Month
Feb 24, 2025
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I recently registered and joined the forum several days ago with the intention to contribute/share what I have come to learn brewing espresso/espresso-based coffee drinks over the past 19-20 years with others who patronize your forum. Unfortunately for whatever the reason, I appear to have ruffled the feathers of a couple of members given negative replies received/filled with vitriol accusing me of spamming the site, failing to contribute/share anything worthwhile as a new member. In short, nothing could be further from the truth. Moreover, while I posted a link to my own website, my intention was to add/share information I have come to learn with others on the forum who may be interested in what I have to offer as opposed to robbing the forum of its members. I was also unaware of the community forum at the time I became a member in which event it appears I may have posted to the wrong forum/subcategory. Hence in doing so, shortly after posting an introductory comment with no intention whatsoever to spam the forum, hide my intentions, nor mislead anyone other than share what information I had learned over the years to help others save time/money making espresso/espresso-based coffee drinks, I end up receiving responses loaded with Vitriol (Note: my website does not promote/sell coffee related products/services of any kind. You may verify by going to All considered was it my mistake in posting to the wrong forum category? Your response to this subject matter at your earliest convenience is most appreciated. Just trying to clarify and make things right. Thank you ahead of time.
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I can definitely be unfiltered/sarcastic often and clearly some don't find it as amusing/helpful as I would expect. Actually think at this point I'm totally done with all forums I've been a part of for many yrs. I will delete my accounts if possible or contact moderators to do so if it's not an option on my part. Good luck and enjoy!
Thank you for the candid response. All I can add is from what I perceive, social media and the internet overall has turned into a circus, a charade, and a place that caters to cyberbullying, ruining people's reputations, and posting comments loaded containing both unfiltered sarcasm and vitriol without any basis whatsoever attacking those who may actually be good, honest people. It's incredible what technology together with the internet have created. In short, while bullying, name calling, and getting ostracized from groups due to racism, religion, etc. existed back in-the-day when I was growing up, it continues to exist only 10x worse given young people today are actually committing suicide. In reality, it's meaningless, pathetic, and inexcusable from the perspective of a baby boomer born in 1949. Sorry for the rant. However, what's disturbing is that instead of technology making things better, it appears to have made things worse but what do I know as a baby boomer born in 1949?
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