Mobile coffee van business name???

Coffee-a-go-go... Esrpresso VanGo(get it? Van Gogh) ...Wheel Espresso or Wheel Coffee..sorry it is early here...Yawn need coffee will see if I can come up with some when I have had my morning coffee :wink:
o.k. drank lots of coffee...and I think I did better when I was tired...everyone here likes the Espresso Van Go....they think the Wheel epsresso is good but should be spelled Wheel Ethpretho...they did not like the Skidmark Espresso..for some reason thought it would leave a bad taste in peoples mouths :shock:
good names

simpler is better, don't restrict yourself to having to have the van/movment involved into it if you plan upon doing more then just that, you may end up with an all together different direction in your final choice.