Looking to Innovate the Specialty Coffee Industry with Mobile Application!


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Sep 11, 2013
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Hello all,

This past year I have been conceptualizing and designing a mobile application for the specialty coffee industry. I was hoping that I could get some feedback on my project to better help me with determining the need of this product.

Before I give you a description of the application, I'll start off by telling you what sparked the idea for me. I have always been a huge coffee drinker, but never really had much knowledge on the topic. So, when it came to trying to build and customize my coffee at coffee shops I struggled. I often found the menu to be kind of confusing and not really much help. So I set out to build an application to help myself and others with this problem.

The mobile application simplifies the ordering process for consumers. It helps the user build custom coffee drinks specifically by what the coffee shops ingredients are (syrup selection, types of milk, roasts, etc.) Users can also save drinks to a library, or decide to share drinks with others. I have also been working on a feature that would eliminate the need for the user to wait in line to place the order.

What do you think of my project? Also, do you see value in the solutions I am working to provide?

Thanks :coffee:
I personally don't see the value with this. Part of hitting a coffee shop is the interaction with the Barista. It's their chance to share the passion of what they do and educate during the process as well. As a consumer I like to interact with the Barista's as well and see whats brewing today or what they have in the grinder and is pulling well. I personally would never want to forego that interaction and just stand there with my phone ordering.
Just my .2 cents...maybe I'm old school.
I'm working on an application that allows customers to simply think about our coffee and automatically place an order in our system. Credit/debit card info will be processed the same way. A dedicated barista will process all of these orders and deliver to customers' cars so they don't even have to enter the shop.
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I am sure you are a fantastic person, but your idea is not. :coffee:

Less customer interaction. More complete @ssholes on their cellphones. A resounding "No" to the usefulness of this kind of app.
I think little differently.
The most of the coffee drinkers do not go to the coffee shop to interact with workers.
Most of my customers did not come to my shop because of my barista but they come because they need coffee or need time to relax a little.
I don't know how greatly benefit from this but if it is for the convenience, people will use it. And it would be better if they can pay for it and bring the paid recite on their phone to get the coffee.

I think this could work.
I recall reading somewhere, either on this forum or some place else, that people (on the West Coast?) are actually ordering coffee in cafes by way of their cell phone applications.

If this is true, I really hope that trend crashes and burns before it travels across the country!

I recall reading somewhere, either on this forum or some place else, that people (on the West Coast?) are actually ordering coffee in cafes by way of their cell phone applications.

If this is true, I really hope that trend crashes and burns before it travels across the country!


hahahahh.... well this is already happening in my town. I guess there is a app that you can down load and pay your coffee with your phone.
I don't know if you can order one by it but you can actually put your money in that account. Advantage for the coffee shop would be no credit card charge.
CoffeeJunky I would be interested in hearing more about that app as I think it would be great for our mobile coffee truck.

To the OP: There are a couple of apps out there such as Espresso Coffee Guide and BarosataMe (and probably more) that cover the basic drink builds. How would your app be different from these?
It sounds like this application is being developed to help people understand the confusing menus in various cafes and then be able to order coffee drinks without feeling foolish or having the people in line behind them rolling their eyes and sighing while they try to order.

I have a feeling Shawn18 has had a few uncomfortable experiences, and he's trying to create a way to eliminate the problem.

I remember the days when some people used to write down their coffee order (especially at Starbucks) and hand the paper to the Barista, instead of attempting to say the words. It looks like eventually people will be using their cellphones for that instead.

John P,

Nice article.

I can especially relate to the part where you wrote, "A focused menu attracts a focused customer base just as a difficult and complicated menu will attract difficult and complicated customers." It's certainly true, and it's something every cafe owner should consider.
