Looking for coffee cherries!!


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Aug 26, 2012
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Hi there, I have a pair of luwak's (civetcats) as some of you may know they make the
most expensive coffee in the world.
I am looking to buy these cherries but i can't find them anywhere.

Can anybody help me to find them? maybe someone in for a trade?

I am from ''holland'' :coffeemug:
Hi Lior,

Don't know that you can produce your own Kopi Luwak just because you own the civits. I think that part of the process to consider is that the civets are usually wild and eat other things that tend to affect the flavor of the beans. Plus the beans are then cleaned and roasted afterwards. Do you roast your own beans? Not unheard of, but certainly a learning process if you've never done it before. The cherries you're looking for would likely be Sumatras from Indonesia. You would have to contact a commercial bean processor and see if you could buy the raw cherries before they were processed. You may need to check the import laws for wherever you are to see if you can bring the raw cherries in. Good Luck and let us know how it turns out!
never heard about exporting raw berries, I think it's not a must for sumatran coffee berries. Just give it fresh berries is okay. And you must mix it with other fruits. Not only coffee berries, I'll tell you a little secret from civet, Lior. Actually this animal have their own favorite food that till now no one know what exactly. According to some farmers from our plantation, this animal eat about 30 kinds of favorite fruits even more and they eat it randomly, not as simple as your thought. For caged one, most of farmers feed their civets with coffee berries mixed with bananas, grapes, apples etc. You can try mixing the berries with that fruits, keep the animal in healthy, once it get sick, your business for kopi luwak is over. Won
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dear wonferi, they dont eat them mixed up, if you look closely on the youtube movies or on the internet in the harvest periods theu only eat the coffee beans when they are available.
i know about al the fruits because i feed them al kinds whe have in holland imported and homegrown, not only they eat fruit they also eat meat like rodents, insects, fish, egs and fedgetables. my civets came out of the wild so are nog bread.
i have found some one who can help me.
We are interested in buying a small batch of unprocessed arabica cherries for an experiment. Would you be willing to sell and ship a small batch of 20 to 40 pounds? We would need these to arrive with the cherries still fresh for the purpose that we need them for.
i can sent you a cherries of arabica or robusta. i have small farm in Indonesia. pm me if you interested.
We are interested in buying a small batch of unprocessed arabica cherries for an experiment. Would you be willing to sell and ship a small batch of 20 to 40 pounds? We would need these to arrive with the cherries still fresh for the purpose that we need them for.