Looking for a Used Agtron E20-CP Color Analyzer Machine.


New member
Apr 4, 2018
We are in need of a Agtron E20-CP color analyzer. We are looking for a used one if anyone has one they would like to sell, please let me know. - Thanks.
Call Coffee Labs in Waterbury Vermont. Talk to Mane Alve the owner. He has a bunch of them and is the type of person who is always in the market for the next best piece of equipment. He might not be selling, but is the type of guy who stays ahead with new technology. If there is a better one coming out, he knows when he's getting it and when he'd be parting with one of his existing ones.
Call Coffee Labs in Waterbury Vermont. Talk to Mane Alve the owner. He has a bunch of them and is the type of person who is always in the market for the next best piece of equipment. He might not be selling, but is the type of guy who stays ahead with new technology. If there is a better one coming out, he knows when he's getting it and when he'd be parting with one of his existing ones.

Thanks! I will give them a call! I appreciate the lead!
Any luck on the Agtron analyzer? I have been wondering about one of these myself, and am curious of you have uncovered any new resources for good second hand units, or if you have ever used/considered one of those RoastRite RA710 hand held machines for $900?
FYI... there is one used for sale on Cofffetec's website. At $4500 used for the Agrton vs. $1250 for the RoastRite Bigfoot edition... I personally would go the RoastRite. I use the Tonino, while its helpful I wish I had the ability to read internal and external color. The RA710 without bigfoot is not recommended to read external color.
AH MUSIC! The WB vs Grind is what I care about! Since you have the bigfoot version, do you see a drastic difference between the results with the larger tray vs the standard size?
I use the Tonino... and that's its limitation (but I have the original version which was only $250 or so). I've been looking to upgrade and spoke to one of their engineers. He almost insisted that I needed the bigfoot version to do both... There is some interesting Youtube videos (of course that they put out) showing comparison of accuracy by manufacturer.
I use the Tonino... and that's its limitation (but I have the original version which was only $250 or so). I've been looking to upgrade and spoke to one of their engineers. He almost insisted that I needed the bigfoot version to do both... There is some interesting Youtube videos (of course that they put out) showing comparison of accuracy by manufacturer.

Thanks. Being a startup, my budget limits my selection. If you would be willing to part with your original when you do upgrade, I would love to connect. Accuracy against other machines is less of a priority. I am more interested in the data of my own results for the purpose of duplication and consistency.
AH MUSIC! The WB vs Grind is what I care about! Since you have the bigfoot version, do you see a drastic difference between the results with the larger tray vs the standard size?

Hey there! As stated by Musicphan, we do suggest the BigFoot edition when analyzing whole beans. This is due to a higher rate of accuracy and ease of use that comes with the larger sampling tray. The analyzer is very sensitive to surface holes and gaps between beans so readings on the original RA-710 could range upwards of 5 degrees between readings if the user wasn't very careful about filling the smaller dish.

On top of that, for those folks with access to an agtron machine and care about accuracy between machines, the BF tray is completely compatible with the agtron M basic II. The RoastRite scale is also comparable to the Agtron "Gourmet" scale.

If anyone has any other questions about RoastRite, dont hesitate to ask :grin:
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