Information Please: Does anyone anyone know anything about R&R Roasters?


New member
Jun 23, 2016
Hello everyone!

I was wondering if anyone knows anything about R&R Roasters? Specifically the r2 model? What's the quality? Do they have a legitimate tech support? What is the companies track record? They seem relatively competitive in their pricing, but sometimes that can be a bad thing. Any input would be greatly appreciated!


Gregory Rock
Rocsato Coffee Roasters, LLC
Artisan Roasted Gourmet Coffee
A Veteran Owned Small Business

"Among the numerous luxuries of the may be considered as one of the most valuable. It excites cheerfulness without intoxication; and the pleasing flow of spirits which it never followed by sadness, languor or debility." – Benjamin Franklin"
Someone asked about this company a week or so - no responses / nobody has heard of them. I would be a little worried about the support considering they have no US office.
Someone asked about this company a week or so - no responses / nobody has heard of them. I would be a little worried about the support considering they have no US office.
I was kind of thinking the same, but didn't know if maybe they had at least a dealer here in the US. I'll keep this thread open in case anyone else has any info on them. I'm also looking at U.S. Roasters as well.

Thanks for the input!!!
Mill City has some nice lower costs units... I run a USRC 12K.. pretty nice machine. I've had a few minor issues but they are helpful getting them solved.
Have you reached out to Mill City or Ambex ?
Actually, when I was researching roster for my first one, I did look at Mill City. It cam down between them and Buckeye. I chose Buckeye because of the customer service at the time. I'm having issue with my Buckeye and am quite frustrated, so I'm thinking about not only upgrading in size, but also quality and changing companies.

Right now, I'm looking at Toper, U.S. Roasters Corp and maybe R&R if I can find anything on them. Maybe I'll relook at Mill City too.
Check out Ambex as well. I have a 60 kilo that I bought used in 02. Thing runs like a champ.
Hello everyone!

I was wondering if anyone knows anything about R&R Roasters? Specifically the r2 model? What's the quality? Do they have a legitimate tech support? What is the companies track record? They seem relatively competitive in their pricing, but sometimes that can be a bad thing. Any input would be greatly appreciated!


Gregory Rock
Rocsato Coffee Roasters, LLC
Artisan Roasted Gourmet Coffee
A Veteran Owned Small Business

Hello Gregory,

R&R have number of machines in US. There is a reseller company in Ohio also. R&R answer all question 24 hours to help all customers. Their machines are handcradted and perfect. You can request references from them.

I was kind of thinking the same, but didn't know if maybe they had at least a dealer here in the US. I'll keep this thread open in case anyone else has any info on them. I'm also looking at U.S. Roasters as well.

Thanks for the input!!!

They have a dealer at Canfield, OH.
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