In search of a better cup(with hints of chocolate!)


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Dec 10, 2016
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I'm new to having a good cup of coffee. I went from using a machine with Folgers to using a french press with a fresh grind every day. I currently use Starbucks Ethiopian.

What I'm in search of is a better cup of coffee that isn't too expensive. It seems that every style of coffee I like has hints of chocolate in it, while anything described as heavy spice is my least favorite. Any recommendations?
Well, my first recommendation would be to find a local roaster. You made a good move from grocery store coffee to Starbucks (or Charbucks). The problem with Starbucks is they mass produce the coffee. They are serving millions of people, so they have to appeal to the masses. That means their coffee likely more than a few weeks old. If you can't find a local roaster that you like, there are quite a few roast to order coffee roasters, like me, on the web. For a bean with hints of chocolate, I would suggest a Guatemalan Huehuetenango, or a Nicaraguan Matagalpa, or Jinotega. I know there are alot more that have the chocolate hints you are looking for. Those are my personal favorites. Taken to a dark roast, it is like drinking heaven.
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Well, my first recommendation would be to find a local roaster. You made a good move from grocery store coffee to Starbucks (or Charbucks). The problem with Starbucks is they mass produce the coffee. They are serving millions of people, so they have to appeal to the masses. That means their coffee likely more than a few weeks old. If you can't find a local roaster that you like, there are quite a few roast to order coffee roasters, like me, on the web. For a bean with hints of chocolate, I would suggest a Guatemalan Huehuetenango, or a Nicaraguan Matagalpa, or Jinotega. I know there are alot more that have the chocolate hints you are looking for. Those are my personal favorites. Taken to a dark roast, it is like drinking heaven.

I like a medium roast, are any of those medium? And do youhave a suggestion for online buying?

Also, anyone know why the space bar doesn’t work on the box?I ended up typing this in Word.
Not sure about the Spacebar, mine works fine. Either of those beans work well at a medium roast too. Customers seem to like them more dark than light, so I roast it to their order. When I am selling brewed coffee, like at a farm market, I use a medium roast on the Nicaraguan, and usually get good results.