I had a deposit on a Roest, but I gave up my place in line and purchased a Cormorant to try and make into a sample roaster. That experiment crashed and burned today and I have my Cormorant up for sale and reconsidering a Roest.
Roest has a drum to agitate beans, Ikawa uses airflow. Roest can do 100g, Ikawa only 50.
I have had this ongoing debate about a sample roaster. Ikawa does roast quickly and easily but how does one convert information from a fluid bed roaster to a drum roaster ?
As such, I am mulling over the purchase of a Mill City 500 g roaster. It has been upgraded such that it now passes electrical and gas standards in Canada. The bad news is that the price doubled. Still, it can be used as a drum sample roaster that I can convert the information between my roasters