Hulling Machine


New member
Aug 24, 2012
Lima, Peru
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I have been searching for a coffee bean hulling machine, and all I get is with all Chinese models. My preference would be to purchase a small one In the U.S. and send it to South America where it will be used. Capacity wise, I would like to do at least 1 kilo at a time, and powered from 220 volt electric. Does anybody in the U.S. make something like this? I have been shelling off the parchment by hand for the past few months and is getting old:|
Thank you all for any replies!
I'm not sure if you would find that machine in the US, unless it could be used for other applications than hulling coffee beans. We grow very little coffee up here.
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Hi Eldub,
thank you for the reply! yes, maybe a peanut hulling machine or something of that nature would work.
i didnt think of the fact that probably all the coffee sent to the U.S. is already shelled lol! looks like I will have to find one in South America. I dont know if keeping the beans in the shell will preserve the bean longer or not. :grin:
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