How do you keep up with your inventory?


New member
Oct 6, 2013
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Hello Everyone,

I am about 3 months into the the coffee house business and looking for advice on how to manage inventory. I currently use an excel spreadsheet and manually check it each Friday. I use the Square Register as my POS system. What are your suggestions :)
Hey Kais01!
I've got about 9 or 10 months before I open the doors to a new coffee house. I've been playing with excel, but I know there's got to be something better out there for inventory. Have you changed to another program/method?
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No I have not. I have a spreadsheet as well but cannot figure out the most efficient way to use it. Also I have found in being open for 3 months I am continually having to add things that I did not figure in the beginning. So I need a fast way to update.
I'm not in business yet (in a few years is what I'm looking at), but I wasn't sure if this would help you out. This guy is using Numbers on iPad. It's the equivalent of excel for windows on a PC. He said they used to do it on paper.

MS Excel is just fine for doing inventory management at small level. Let me give you a list of some other alternatives as well. The best thing is that they are free, professional and easy to use software. Check out this link and download one which suits your need.
I think excel is a great way to do it if you are a smaller shop. If you need something a little more robust and to help with your accounting, you can work with Quickbooks. It can control inventory, and you can set up formulas that will equate to your sales to keep track of everything. It may be a little bit of overkill for what you are needing, but we use it and it has worked great.