Home Roasting/Excessive Chaff ??


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Apr 25, 2007
Upper Michigan
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Hi all,
I''m new to this forum so I hope that this is the right section for these questions. I''ve been home roasting with a 1200 watt West Bend Poppery for about 6 months. I usually have no problems with getting really good results with roasting - especially S.American or Latin American beans. When I roast beans from other areas I seem to get a lot of chaff remaining. I''ve been trying to roast an Ethiopian and a Java lately but I get so much chaff remaining I think it''s affecting the taste. I''ve built a \"chaff remover\" like to you see on eBay (collander fit into the top of a 5 gallon pail attached to a shop vac) and that doesn''t seem to help. Any suggestions?
If the beans you are roasting were dry processed they will have a LOT more chaff. The newest Ethiopian Kaffa that I have is dry processed and I even have a hard time getting rid of it with my Diedrich IR3!