Hi, Sorry for being a newbie and that


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Aug 13, 2007
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Hello, my name is r1ch
Just like to point out, that I am not an Albanian spam bot and know what annoying buggers they are)

Anyhow, on with my question:-

I drink loads of coffee (really big loads) and I heard today on the radio, that some young girl had to be admitted to the hospital because of a caffine overdose :-D

What are the chances of that happening?????

Thanks in advance.

If you feel fine your fine!

That girl decided to go on a binge drinking espresso and it clearly states she doesn't drink coffee at all. Her body couldn't handle that much caffeine input.

You need to drink an insane amount of coffee to OD. I think it''s like 150+ cups within 1 hour, so basically it''s impossible to OD from coffee. Take a bottle of wake-up pills and you might OD.