New member
Hi all
A friend of mine just gave me a coffee machine like this one:
I know nothing about this machine, but it seems it uses 44mm paper pods.
And sincer there is no 44mm paper pods easily available in my country, I was thinking about to buy a reusable pod, like ones made from silicone or stainless steel
I would like to ask :
1. Am I correct? This machine really uses 44mm ese paper pods?
2. Does exist reusable pods/capsules for this machine?
3. Where can I buy reusable pods?
Thanks in advance!
A friend of mine just gave me a coffee machine like this one:
44mm ESE Pod Coffee Machine with Milk Frother(id:6732790) Product details - View 44mm ESE Pod Coffee Machine with Milk Frother from Yueqing Jixiang Connector Co.,Ltd - EC21 Mobile
44mm ESE Pod Coffee Machine with Milk Frother(id:6732790), View quality coffee pods machinespod espresso coffee makers details from Yueqing Jixiang Connector Co.,Ltd mobile storefront - EC21 Mobile
I know nothing about this machine, but it seems it uses 44mm paper pods.
And sincer there is no 44mm paper pods easily available in my country, I was thinking about to buy a reusable pod, like ones made from silicone or stainless steel
I would like to ask :
1. Am I correct? This machine really uses 44mm ese paper pods?
2. Does exist reusable pods/capsules for this machine?
3. Where can I buy reusable pods?
Thanks in advance!