Hello from the Philippines!


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Jan 4, 2014
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Hey guys,

This is lorsban from Davao City, Philippines. Davao is in the southern part of Mindanao (the island closest to Indonesia).

Was never much of a coffee connoisseur, drinking mostly instant stuff plus the ocassional Coffee Bean visit. But my father in law was really into it and was brewing some excellent stuff! He had a French press, coffee machine, and this single cup air pressure press.

I've loved the purity and simplicity of the French press since the start and just recently my mom got me a Bodum Brazil set with frother just this Christmas. I love that everything's manual and doesn't need filters and whatnot.

We were also gifted with some coffee grounds from my country as well (drinking it now actually haha). Bracing myself cause it's got "Level 3" and "Wired" written on the package haha

So, now that I have the gear, I thought it would be great to learn more about it (and coffee in general) here.

Anyway, that's it from me.



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Hello Lorsban,

Welcome ot the Coffee Forums website.

This is a great place to visit and learn about the world of coffee.

It sounds like you received some very nice gifts this Christmas! Next, you'll be wanting to get a coffee grinder so you can grind your own beans.

We hope you will visit us often. Feel free to ask questions when you're ready.

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Hi PinkRose,

Thanks for the warm welcome! I believe we do have a grinder (at least that's what my wife tells me).

What I was planning to do was to buy the coffe grounds or have the coffee shop grind the beans for me.

I would like to "master" the brewing process as much as possible before adding another element in. Scared of ruining beans and all. Haha



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I don't know if we feel the same but I like the aroma of freshly grounded coffee beans. :coffee:

Oh definitely!

That's why I decided to get my own hand grinder. For now I have the coffee shop grind them for me.

They're ok but sometimes they grind too fine for my press.