Has caffeine lost its effect on me?


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Mar 6, 2007
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Hi there. I thought I was just imagining things but now I know what I felt. I drink lots of coffee, tea or red bull. Depends how I feel. I have lots of caffeine everyday. I even drink it before I go to bed. The thing is it don't seem to effect me anymore. I sleep good and I am not really hyper. It don't wake me up anymore. Has caffeine lost its effects on me or do I need more? The only things keeping me drinking it is I love the taste and last time I tried to quit I felt ill. I need it. what is this?
If you think caffeine has lost effect on you quit for a month. After the withdrawal stage is over (in a week or two) you'll start feeling better. Go a month or longer then add caffeine back in to your diet.

You'll feel the effects of it again. Granted not as long as you first did when you were first introduced to caffeine.
I have a similar situation. After three months with no caffene I can have a cup of coffie with good results. My muscles do not feal so cramped, I am relaxed, have more power to the muscles and no dizzy spells with blurred vission. But gradually after the following cups of coffie I lose the charging feeling. Might it be that our insulin goes on vacation?
Enough caffeine actually has a dulling effect. I've seen neat graphs that get across the basic idea. Some coffee raises our awareness, etc., and then eventually adding more coffee makes our awareness, etc., go downhill.
Hi Della, I too experience the same thing that's why I was intrigued by this thread. Instead of perking me up, there are times that coffee has a sedative effect on me. It doesn't keep me awake anymore, on the contrary it has made me sleep better.

Try to check out other factors too. Maybe it is not your coffee intake but rather other factors, such as stress, change of activity, change of lifestyle, or maybe even a health concern. Just try to relax and drink only a moderate amount as needed.

Della said:
Hi there. I thought I was just imagining things but now I know what I felt. I drink lots of coffee, tea or red bull. Depends how I feel. I have lots of caffeine everyday. I even drink it before I go to bed. Thutally hyper. It don't wake me up anymore. Has caffeine lost its effects on me or do I need more? The only things keeping me drinking it is I love the taste and last time I tried to quit I felt ill. I need it. what is this?
It doesn't keep me awake anymore, on the contrary it has made me sleep better.

From my personal experience I think that what happens is the caffeine stops you from going into a very deep sleep at all and is still in your system in the morning by the time you have to get up.

Caffeine does have a high tolerance level, but that tolerance is built up in a few days.
I do believe that you can gain a tolerance for coffee and that if you drink it enough you'll eventually need to drink more and more of it to keep you awake. It reminds me much off Adderall! oops did I say that lol!
Lol...couldn't agree more with Biznerd...when I was drinking 10 cups a day it did nothing to keep me awake. I still fell asleep in meetings and had no trouble passing out each night. I had become used to it by then and I was basically drinking it for the taste and enjoyment of it only.