Has anyone tried Caracolillo Coffee Mill?


New member
Oct 13, 2004
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I found their web site and love that they are a third generation family business, but their prices seem too good to be true. :? Has anyone tried their coffee? Please let me know what you thought of it.

The Goddess
I've heard the same comments about the darkness level of their roasts. They were on the list of places I gave to a friend who asked me to help him get his new food cafe set up with good coffee service. He made his choice for a wholesale supplier based on how r4esponsive the vendor was to requests for samples, how quickly they shipped, what info they could offer relative to roast date and what the overall quality of the coffee was like. Price was the least important factor on his list.

He was not thrilled with the customer service aspects of his CCM experience (in all fairness to them - he has similar so-so experiences with three of the six vendors). He ended up settling on George Howell's Terroir Coffee as his vendor and has been extremely pleased. I sampled the coffee when I installed his equipment and must agree - the quality is exceptional. But they are more expensive than CCM and most other wholesale vendors.
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Thanks for your input Phaelon. I'm happy for your friend that price was not an issue. That certainly isn't the situation with me. I DO want to offer my customers a great coffee experience (or I would have to enter this site with my head bowed in shame), but price holds an importance value with me.

I've tried some great coffee at $10 a pound (includes shipping) and at $4 a pound. I'd like to try others but with costs going as high as $20 a pound or that have $8 for shipping, :shock: , I feel like they're playing in a different league.

I really appreciate your thoughts!

The Goddess

YES... theirs is the only coffee I buy. I get their Columbian Supremo and Breakfast Blend. Both are excellent. And their service can't be beat in my book. When they say ship within 48 hours, they mean it. I order mine on the weekend, and usually it goes out on Monday afternoon. That way I get it before the weekend. You need to give them a try if you haven't. You will not be disappointed.

For those that don't have their website: www.ccmcoffee.com


Are you looking for green coffee or roasted?

Their service is very good, but I've found better prices on green coffee. Actually, if I remember correctly, I think my prices are as good as theirs, but I don't stock as large a selection. The thing is, if you are buying roasted coffee, you'll enjoy what they have - find that product and stick with it. If you are buying green coffee, shop around.
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Thanks for the thoughts Beangrinder. I had no intentions of roasting my own, but the Farmers' Market manager likes the idea. I've ordered a small, home roasting unit to start playing with. If things go well, I'll roast my own next year, but I'm not going to try and jump blindly into that and roast and brew my own within two months. :shock: :shock: :shock:

So, now I'm looking for green and roasted and preparing for a summer of trial by error. :wink:
I forgot to tell you I buy their already roasted beans. They do have green beans, but I am not into trying to roast them.

Good luck in which ever way you go. I have been buying from them now for abt 4 yrs, and I am always thoroughly pleased.


Not just for commercial sales. I am just an individual that buys from them all the time. A 5# bag of beans will last me abt 2 1/2 months at just a couple of mugs a day.

The roasted beans come in 1 lb and 5 lb bags. You can buy as little as 1 lb if that is all you want. I usually buy two 5lb bags at a time to save on shipping.

If you want green beans, they have them as well. And, if you don't grind your own, they do have some already ground.
