Great source of antioxidants


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Mar 7, 2003
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Americans get more of their antioxidants from coffee than any other dietary source. Nothing else comes close.
--Study leader Joe Vinson, Ph.D

Looks like once again there is a study promoting all of the benefits and good things that come along with coffee. =)

5 fruits and vegetables a day? pssh! I'll just keep drinking 5 cups a day. :)

PhysOrg's full report on the high levels of antioxidants in coffee.
Though Coffee has some benefits, it has its disadvantages too. If consumed in a very high quantity, some people can experience hypertension and ulcers. It also doesn't help to drink coffee if you want to go to sleep or rest, because caffeine can keep your mind alert for many hours. Another problem with coffee is that it is an excellent teeth stainer.
Those of us who post here don't care to hear about any bad points about coffee. We all enjoy drinking it, and or make our living off of coffee!

A GREAT antioxident that keeps you alert and tastes GREAT! It doesn't get any better!
Well, depending on brew time, type of bean and other factors. With an ORAC value ranging from about 15,000 to 17,000. While the ORAC value of coffee is considerably less than those of spices and pure cocoa, consider that in terms of volume, we consume a lot more coffee than we do spices.