General Introduction & Inquiry


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Feb 24, 2025
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My name is Marty and I am a newly registered member to I am also passionate about espresso-based coffee drinks and enjoy brewing/drinking espresso-based coffee drinks, primarily Cafe Lattes, on a daily basis. This aside, while I am not 100% sure and realize there may be exceptions to the rule, given all I have read and learned to date, I have arrived at the conclusion that the majority of those who drink espresso/espresso-based coffee drinks appear to in the Gen 'X' demographic age group? 2nd, given the popularity of Starbucks, does anyone believe there may be more than a few espresso-based coffee beverage drinkers out there interested in brewing/making their own espresso-based coffee drinks that use healthier everyday store bought ingredients and taste better for a fraction of what they pay at Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, or their local coffee shop/cafe without having to spend a dime up front to learn what they need to know? I should also add that I have no ulterior motive whatsoever for asking these questions other than to help those who may enjoy drinking espresso/espresso-based coffee beverages to save significant time and money in the process making their own espresso-based coffee drinks to which end I have created a website devoted to the dissemination of free information regarding espresso not unlike this forum. As further proof/testimony, see for yourself by clicking the link provided below. All I ask is that the administrator/proxy of this forum give me the opportunity to show I'm on the same page devoted to helping traditional and espresso coffee drinkers alike as opposed to selling/promoting products for the sake of money/profit. As such, by joining this forum, it is my sole intention to help provide its members with what I have come to learn over the past 18 years, since 2006, the year I transitioned to espresso from traditional coffee due to an unknown Afib condition (back then) and never turned back. Any thoughts, comments regarding this subject matter are most appreciated. Thank you ahead of time and once again, I implore the administrator/proxy of this forum to please not judge this post as an attempt to spam the forum and subsequently deactivate my new membership/registration for unjustifiable cause.
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Why join any forum just to push your own? There's already a buttload of coffee forums, so add to discussion instead of trying to draw people away to something else. This forum has always been laid back with good info being provided without the constant hype being pushed as other forums tend to do and I am glad it still going and will add that I dig the new look, so stick around and post/read more instead of plastering us with links.
I apologize given my intention was not to offend someone that is a member of the forum much less do I have an ulterior motive. Quite the contrary, my main goal was to join the forum to possibly contribute where/when I am able, no more, no less. While talk is CHEAP, many would strongly disagree with those like yourself who are quick to judge and presume everyone on this earth must have an ulterior motive based on reading a comment posted (no different than hearsay) by or about someone they don't know. In reality, you are so wrong. Unfortunately, while there exist a plethora of charlatans online and elsewhere who spend the majority of their time focusing on ways to further their own agenda and get paid to do so, I can assure you I am not one of them! You should really take a moment to peruse my website and you will quickly find out I am not attempting to sell, ask, or convince anyone to purchase any product/service other than hopefully educate and share with other espresso coffee aficionados what I have come to learn over the past 20 plus years to help them save time and money making their own espresso/espresso-based coffee beverages rather than spend/waste significant time/money patronizing places like Starbucks. I should also add that I am not presently employed nor have I ever been affiliated, involved in the coffee industry in any manner, shape, or form other than drinking/brewing traditional coffee and espresso as a hobby. BTW, I am presently retired and formerly worked in a professional capacity in the building construction profession. I am also a lifetime Purdue alumnus with a masters degree in mechanical engineering but you knew that already because you are apparently clairvoyant and have ESP. Once again, sorry to have ruffled your feathers! Last but not least, I stand corrected regarding the demographic age of what I had believed to be the majority of espresso/espresso-based coffee drinkers. Based on further investigation/statisics, I believe it to be Millennials (Gen'Y') not Gen 'X'.
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Sorry I didn't readily see this before I posted my introduction to the forum but is the 'Community Board' forum the place I should have posted my introductory post/comment given the negative responses containing vitriol I have received to date? Also, does anyone know the demographic age of those that primarily patronize this forum, is it Gen 'Z' by chance? If so, my joining the forum was premature and a mistake for which I apologize since my intention was not to spam the forum.
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