Future Coffee House?


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Nov 13, 2014
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:decaf: So I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. I love coffee, and I've ALWAYS wanted to own a coffee house. I have the layout planned, it's just I have no idea where I start at. I'm 18, and really don't know anything about starting one up. I could use all the help I can get. If you know of any books with titles like "How to start your own coffee house" or anything of that sort, I would appreciate it GREATLY! I need all the help and advice I can get! Thanks in advance!
* get a job at coffee house and learn about coffee, management, people skills, move up the position...etc that will take at least 5 years.

Hello "HopefulCoffee96"

Welcome to the Coffee Forums. It's great that you are starting to think about your future.

This piece of advice from "yurong" is exactly what many of us would have suggested.

If you do a Google search, you will see that there are plenty of books about how to start and run a coffee shop. However, the best way to find out if it's what you really want to do is to go out there and do it. It doesn't matter if you get a job in Starbucks or any other coffee shop. What matters is that you gain the experience and learn as you go. There is a lot of work involved behind the scenes in a coffee shop, and working there is the best way to learn.

Plus, you'll earn a paycheck and you can start saving your money. You're going to need lots of it.