First Espresso Machine


New member
Feb 13, 2025
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Hey yall, I recently bought my first espresso machine. I got the Delonghi Stilosa. I also got a tamper, needle agitator thing, dosing funnel, and a digital scale. I got some store bought espresso that was already ground. I'm going to continue to use the pressureized portafilter until I get a grinder.

I'm not having any success getting a good shot of espresso. I am putting in 8-10 grams of coffee and pulling out 16-20 grams of liquid. Since the machine doesn't have a solenoid, the only way to get the brew process to stop is to turn off the pump, but the brew doesn't stop immediately. I have been just pulling the cup from the machine when the scale reaches the 16-20 gram point. I also think the shot is being pulled too fast. The process takes less than 15 seconds, and even less than that if you start the timer when the first drip appears.

So, from what I've read and seen on youtube, I should be at at 2-1 radio of coffee to liquid, and it should take around 30 seconds to pull a shot. Correct me if I'm wrong on any of these numbers. My question is how do I slow down the brew process? Any other tips or how to's for this machine would be appreciated.
Based on all I have come to learn regarding espresso/espresso-based coffee beverages over the past 18 years, your numbers regarding 8-10 grams of dry ground coffee, 16-20 or double the grams of liquid espresso based on a 1:2 coffee to water ratio appear to be right-on. While I am not familiar with your espresso coffee machine, based on the information you provided, I would not be the least surprised that the time frame, less than 15 seconds for the brewing process, isn't a huge if not primary factor in your being unable to pull a good shot of espresso. In reality, I would recommend you further investigate what you may be able to do to extend the brewing process to no longer than 30 seconds. Given it's understandable, if not typical of most espresso coffee machines, the portafilter basket is still going to drip liquid espresso once the brewing stops, in doing so the 1:2 coffee to water ratio is more than likely not going to be maintained in which event you may well end up with more liquid espresso than intended. If such is the case, the strength of the liquid espresso would be notably weaker than anticipated that can easily be determined by taste alone. To address this issue to ensure you're maintaining the 1:2 coffee to water ratio during the brew cycle, you may want to consider using your digital coffee scale to weigh your liquid espresso stopping the brewing process if able b4 the desired grams of liquid espresso are achieved to allow any residual dripping of liquid espresso once brewing has stopped to make up for the difference required in grams of liquid espresso to attain the 1:2 coffee to water ratio. Needless to say, this may require a few practice runs and speaking with a customer service rep to see what options you may have available to start/stop the brewing process using your particular espresso coffee machine. Last but not least , you may also want to look into the following variables, namely water, i.e., 100% natural Spring, purified recommended as opposed to tap water, type of coffee grind (is it espresso prep), improper tamping, i.e., too loose/tight, etc. all of which can prevent pulling the good shot you desire. Hope this helps to resolve your issue. To learn more about brewing your own espresso/espresso-based coffee drinks, click the following link below. You will not be disapointed.
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