European Green Coffee Provider

Makes things a little tricky unless you have a local roaster willing to sell you larger quantities of greens at a good price. Problem is the markup is usually so high that you won't have a viable business buying greens from a roaster to roast and sell. This is especially true now as the price of coffee on the world markets is quite high, lucky for those people who were forward buying last year!

If you buy from a wholesaler, the minimum quantity they will sell is 1 sack.....50-70Kg depending on country of origin

P.S. It's also unlikely that a local roaster will sell greens cheap to potential competition...buit you never know :wink:
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  • #5
No i wouldnt expect a roaster to sell me coffee (not many Roaters in Poland anyhow). So I guess I have to Buy by the Bag from the get go.
Have you ever dealt with Holland Coffee, out of Amsterdam?? They Seem to have a real problem answering Emails, which is disheartening. I know there is a Wholesaler in Belgium as well. Sometimes I wonder if it Mightbe better to Buy from the States in VERY large Quanities and Ship myself.
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  • #7
Thanks for the tip... Called them today and they are putting together an offering list for me. Shipping from Gydina will be much easier the NY of London or even Hamburg. No messy currancy changing either I like that.
Check, but you should still be able to order coffees that are in Hamburg, they don't charge any extra for the shipping (UK Branch), you might just have to wait 4-6 weeks. So don't let the fact that some coffees are in Hamburg make you unwilling to order them......Often the more interesting coffees seem to be in Hamburg.