Essential Equipment for Coffee Laboratory


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Jan 5, 2015
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Hi everyone,

So I have been researching what it takes to put together a suitable coffee lab; how one can cup roasts and samples with consistent results.

I came across this article:

In a nutshell, it expresses that everything needs to be clean, well maintained, well lit, free of smells and consistent (goes on and on into more sophisticated practices).​ Then gives a bare bones list of the following items that are essential to a Lab:

  • Dedicated burr grinder
  • Cups
  • Spoons
  • Digital scale
  • Timer
  • Hot water source (kettles/tower,etc)
  • Thermometer
  • Sample roaster (if your roaster is too larger to produce batch size results)

Any thoughts on that list?
Also, I was expecting there to be mention of an espresso machine somewhere in the article, but no mention. Wouldn't that be a critical piece of test equipment? I understand that you can profile the espresso roast using cupping, but I feel like it should be there to test/showcase on.

If so, what are opinions on the quality? You can go bonkers spending thousands on an espresso machine. Any suggestions on which type is good for a roaster's lab?

Thanks in advance
Thanks. I will take all of that into consideration.


Cupping Tray's for roasted bean evaluation (Sweet Maria's Cupping Tray - set of 3)
Full Spectrum Light to evaluate roast color properly (New 18w Table Lamp | Desk Lamps | Portable Lamps | Craft Lamps and Lights - Ottlite)
Container for waste coffee
Pen/Paper something to take notes..

The espresso machine should be the same/similar quality to your production environment. Spending $2K will be a minimum... IMO
Your list sounds like my kitchen!

If the cupping is being done to strictly cup for defects and/or thumbs up/down, an espresso machine wouldn't be needed. Typically, you'd be using coffee(s) already approved in your cupping, and then developing roast profiles and blends, and that's when the machine would come in.

I've never agreed with needing to evaluate color as a determiner of roast level. There's too much variation from coffee to coffee; certain origins, like Kenya, always take on a darker color than another origin at the same roast level. I guess, if you have large quantities of one coffee, settle on a profile and know the color you want to repeat at the end of each roast, it could come in handy. I'd rather roast by sound, smell, time, and temps. The texture of the beans' surface is another great visual, and IMHO, a better gauge of roast level than color.
I've never agreed with needing to evaluate color as a determiner of roast level. There's too much variation from coffee to coffee; certain origins, like Kenya, always take on a darker color than another origin at the same roast level. I guess, if you have large quantities of one coffee, settle on a profile and know the color you want to repeat at the end of each roast, it could come in handy. I'd rather roast by sound, smell, time, and temps. The texture of the beans' surface is another great visual, and IMHO, a better gauge of roast level than color.

I agree completely with you Peter, I use roast color as one measurement of my roast quality. I guess I'm somewhat of a data nerd.. I inherited that from my engineer father..ha-ha. Since I've been using a 'color correct' light, I really feel it gives me a more accurate view than traditional lighting. I paid more like $50 for mine from Michael w/ coupon. Most SCAA certified training labs use color correct light (I think 4K).. in addition they often cup under red lights so you can't tell the roast color.
Agreed, colour is only one measurement and varies hugely. I'd add a refractometer to the list. Extremely useful we've found!
How about needed a spittoon? Gotta spit that coffee out, spittoon or trashcan at the least.
How about needed a spittoon? Gotta spit that coffee out, spittoon or trashcan at the least.

I've always been turned off by spitoons. I personally prefer a spit cup. It's cleaner and right at your disposal as opposed to something you need to make effort to access.
Is the spittoon only necessary if you're cupping a whole lot of coffees?
How about needed a spittoon? Gotta spit that coffee out, spittoon or trashcan at the least.

I don't spit. I seem to be a bit caffeine tolerant. Work a table of 10-15 without a need for it. Beyond that, I get palate fatigue and notes become blurry anyways.
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