Espressoand Coffe recommendation for newly open cafe Shop!


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May 23, 2007
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I going to open a new coffee shop but I haven''t decide which brand to use. Since it will be a new business, I hope coffee drinkers here can give me some good advice and recommendation. I want to bring the best to my customer yet good price. I know it might sound ironic but please understand that it is a new business. Please give me a hand. Feel free to drop me anythings, I will be greatly appreciated . BTW it is located on SFO bay area. Thank You :) :) :) :) :)
get a hold of doctor John he is in your area, he runs a great class on this. you have to search him out and spend the moeny. It sounds like you are in need of expert advise. Do not open till you learn all about coffee and espresso. I have tapes on trainning barista you can contact me