End of first crack?


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Jul 19, 2013
Tempe, AZ
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Just to give some background, I roast on a Behmor and typically roast .5# on Setting P1.

In general, what is considered the end of first crack? It seems like a minute or more can go by between the first bean crack and the last. Do most people treat the end of first crack when most of the beans have cracked or do you wait for all of them to? I'd imagine that on a gas powered roaster you have a more consistent heat source so the beans tend to go through first crack in a narrower space.

I would be interested to hear what everyone thinks.
when most of the crack is done but I wouldn't worry about too much on last few cracks. I would make roasting profile to see what works well for you instead of worry about when the first is done. Try several different roasting time and method and see what you really like. Make note of every single step. Temp, time etc.
end of 1c is when the activity has slowed, and 2nd. will be coming shortly. i usually turn temp to low at end of 1c, and slowly go into 2nd, and then dump. thats just the roast profile everyone seems to request.
btw: the duration of my 1c is about 2 min.
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I've roasted on a Behmor.....1#, P1, 12oz. I would concur with the other responses with the rolling of 1c starts to slow. It would be around 2 minutes to work through 1c and take around 4 minutes from start of 1c to start of 2c. It may vary depending on how much you are roasting and what kind of beans.
I would ask the same question as Ronc23...how much are you roasting at once? Are you finding you have enough time to roast to the level you want to (being that you have a limit of time on that roaster before it automatically "cools")?
Having used a Behmor quite a bit, I'm curious how you approach it. I always preheated for 1:30 on the 1/4 lb setting (and after stepping up to a larger gas fired drum roaster, I wonder how much more time to warm up it really should have had), then used the P1 1 lb setting with 12 oz of beans loaded in the drum. On my Behmor, that would barely give me enough time to get to 2nd crack if I wanted to.
I do not use behmor roaster or used it before but it seem very quick to reach first crack at 2 min mark. I normally would like to see around 7-8 min mark start of first crack. And finish around 9-10 and around 13-15 min for second crack on my home made roaster.
Redswing..I would do the same thing with warming up the Behmor using the 1/4 setting and letting it run for 5 minutes. That would help to get it to Second crack. That is the other reason I used 12 oz max, otherwise it would barely get to second. CJ, It would take 15/16 minutes to get to first crack. The Behmor is a nice roaster to break into roasting but it does have its limitations with temp control and airflow. Overall I've had some very nice roasts from it.
First crack of course is considered roasted and can be called the light roast. Some folks are still roasting till achieving the darkness preferred allowing the beans to second crack. It will of course make the coffee dark at this point. If it is keep beyond second crack, the beans will produce a harsh and bitter taste of coffee. The time it will take for the first crack and the second crack varies because it depends on the method of roasting. The color and smell of coffee beans can also help you determine when roasting is already done.
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So I've been roasting 1/2 pounds on the highest setting (P1, 1# setting) and getting to first crack between 10:40 and 12:00 (depending on the bean). I have not been pre-heating the roaster as I have been getting to 1C fast enough for my liking. As you really can't lower the heat (besides opening the door) my roasts haven't been stretching during 1C/between 1C and 2C which is, from what I understand, where you can vary the flavor of the beans more.

I have played around with putting a 2X4 under the roaster to get the bean mass closer to the heating elements (I'd likely roast .75 pounds vs. .5 pounds) and then remove it at 1C. This would allow the beans to get to 1C and extend the time as they would be further from the direct heat. Anyone done this before with success?
I did open and close the door a few times as it hit first crack, and then a few times before the end of the roast, trying to draw out the time from 1C to end of roast to ~3 min. That worked for me.

I'm not sure I get how the 2x4 works. You aren't saying the 2x4 is in the roaster, surely? Wouldn't putting a 2x4 under the roaster just raise the whole thing up?
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You put a 2X4 under the front of the roaster there by tilting the bean mass back closer to the heating elements. Normally, the beans are about 90 degrees away from the elements as they sit at the bottom and the elements are on the side. By keeping the beans closer to 45 degrees, they are closer to the element.
cestrin; oops I forgot this
Use 1#, P3, C and use .5 # (227 grams), no preheating. (Using 406 gams MAX preheat 120 seconds). This will extend 1 crack, most times will be 6 minutes and/or less, Bozo
Cestrin, I have a Behmor, reading the manual is a waste of time. It says when you hear the first crack 2:30 minutes is when 2 crack should occur, press "Cool". I think this is stated so we don't burn down our house. There will be a pause between 1st and 2 crack. What I have found is when you hear the second pop start timing. Some of the roasts would take up to 30 seconds before hearing the second pop. I use these times; City / 2:30, City+ / 2:45, Full City / 3:00, Full City+ / 3:15 to 3:30, Vienna / 3:45 to 4:00 minutes. Over 4 minutes get a bucket of water lol, Bozo
ps. if you dare go 15 seconds more for each if you think it's better, I do. Putting it in the fireplace works for helping smoke control.